There are more than 70 domestic cat breeds and unlimited mixed breeds. Cats are valued world wide by humans as one of the most popular pets and hunters of vermin. They are prolific breeders and it is important to spay and neuter pets as well as feral colonies to prevent overpopulation and the consequent suffering of the animals. Contact your local animal shelter or favorite rescue to donate and support their work or adopt a great cat friend into your family!
Vulpes, vulpes (Red Fox)
Introducing CARNIVORE - Week 1. Vulpes, Vulpes (Red Fox)
Hello. I am so happy that I can finally launch this project today and share it with you! It has been in the works for almost exactly a year and was born out of my innate need to create. I was feeling burnt out by the quick turnaround, heavily art directed work that is required of me a lot of the time. I love what I get to do as an illustrator but I really needed to feed my creative soul. Sometimes you need just need to make stuff for the sake of making stuff. It can't be work all of the time. If you are a creative, you will know what I am talking about. So without further ado, let me introduce my fine art drawing series, CARNIVORE.
About Carnivore
I have always been fascinated by wildlife and how animals live and survive in the world. Hunt or be hunted. This body of work is about those creatures who hunt. Nature is beautiful and it is brutal. And everyone needs to eat.
Each animal in this series has been meticulously researched and drawn as close to life-size as possible. No details have been spared and some of the smaller drawings have been painstakingly created with the use of a magnifying lens.
The drawings have been professionally scanned by the historic Athenaeum of Philadelphia on their Cruse Scanner to capture every detail down to the finest hair in order to produce a print as close to the original work as possible.
All printing is done on archival Hahnemuhle photo rag paper by Stockbridge Fine Art in Philadelphia PA, specialists in the production of custom fine art prints for museums and galleries worldwide.
A very special thanks to Brian at PRIMER for helping with the set up of my website and for always being supportive of the work that I do. THANK YOU!
Mark your calendars! I'm am thrilled to the core to finally be able to tell you all about a new series that I have been working on behind the scenes for the past year. CARNIVORE is a collection of exquisitely detailed fine art illustrations. I'm not going to share too much about the work yet and ruin the surprise but think about the title and let that get your imagination going.
Beginning Wednesday, February 1st, a new piece will be released every week for at least 7 weeks. I am actively creating new work to add to the collection so that just a starting number. Limited edition, high quality, fine art prints as well as original art will be available for purchase in the shop upon each release. When they are gone, they are gone, so make sure that you don't miss out. Follow my Instagram account for weekly updates, launch times, sneak peek premiers and progress shots.
It's been really hard for me to be patient and keep this thing under wraps for so long. I'm so excited to be able to share it all with you soon. THANK YOU!