
Article in The Corsair for "In Memory of Water" and "Onward" Opening Night at La Luz De Jesus Gallery.

When we went out to LA for the opening of Matthew Couper’s solo show, “In Memory of Water”, and the group show, “Onward”, that my work is featured in, I did a short interview with local news outlet “The Corsair”. You can read The Corsair here. Many thanks to artist, Matthew Couper, Billy and Matthew at La Luz De Jesus and writer, Stan Misraje for the link. Photos courtesy of Glenn Zuchman.

“The Final Aspersion” by Matthew Couper

“The Final Aspersion” by Matthew Couper

“Man With Hat”, by Michele Melcher

“Man With Hat”, by Michele Melcher

West Coast and East Coast May Show Recaps!

It’s been a busy week of travel to LA and and then onto Buffalo, New York for two back to back show openings. “Onward” opened at La Luz De Jesus gallery in LA on May 3d and runs until June 2nd. It was an amazing experience to have had the opportunity to go out there and meet the the people running the gallery as well as some of the other artists.

'“Transcendence”, a three artist show that I am in, opened this past Friday at Revolution Gallery in Buffalo, NY. The show is up until June 14th. We had the pleasure of seeing some familiar faces from the last time I showed at the gallery and got to spend a little time with those folks over the weekend.

Both of the shows and galleries have top notch art in them and it’s super inspiring to see it all. If you are in LA or Buffalo, please stop in and see the shows in person. If not, check out the links above. There are so many artist peers whose work that I have admired for years from afar on Instagram, websites and the like, it’s such an honor to be invited to the party. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment.

As an artist, you are never “done”. You are always absorbing and learning and evolving. Some things work out and some things do not - but you are always pushing forward. I am SO GRATEFUL to all the curators, gallerists, artists, collectors and art fans who I’ve met in person or online the past couple of months that have taken notice, shared, promoted and purchased my work. Thank you for lifting me up. There’s a lot more to come.

Scroll below to see some highlights from the LA trip and the Buffalo trip.

Opening night at La Luz De Jesus

Opening night at La Luz De Jesus

My Deadmasters painting, “The Officer”, available at La Luz De Jesus Gallery

My Deadmasters painting, “The Officer”, available at La Luz De Jesus Gallery

A familiar face at the Getty Museum.

A familiar face at the Getty Museum.

Opening night at Revolution Gallery

Opening night at Revolution Gallery

ONWARD, opening May 3rd at La Luz De Jesus Gallery

I’m excited to announce that more of my “Dead Masters” series of work will be part of the group portrait show, “Onward”, opening Friday, May 3rd at La Luz De Jesus art gallery in Los Angeles. This show is in conjunction with artist, Matthew Couper’s solo exhibition, “In Memory of Water” opening on the same night in the main gallery.

“Princess in Pearls”, by Michele Melcher

“Princess in Pearls”, by Michele Melcher