A great talent gone far too soon. Peace to his family, friends and fans.
CARNIVORE week 4 - Felis Catus
There are more than 70 domestic cat breeds and unlimited mixed breeds. Cats are valued world wide by humans as one of the most popular pets and hunters of vermin. They are prolific breeders and it is important to spay and neuter pets as well as feral colonies to prevent overpopulation and the consequent suffering of the animals. Contact your local animal shelter or favorite rescue to donate and support their work or adopt a great cat friend into your family!
Musician, Chelsea Wolfe
The neglected sketchbook
Wolves hunting. Study in fear.
Sketching is such an important process in creating an illustration and I admit, I neglect to do it enough. When deadlines are rushed and my calendar is filled up with due dates- it's too easy (and many times a necessity) to do quick thumbnails and move on. One of my goals going into the new year is to make more time for myself to sketch more and develop ideas more thoroughly before having to jump into a finished work. I actually really like the whole sketching process and I miss doing it more!
OK, maybe that will not be possible for some projects - especially those that have next-day turnarounds - but hopefully I'll be sketching more for some of my more personal work and promotional material. I have a TON of ideas and sometimes not enough time to develop them more. I just posted some new and months-old sketches up in the online sketchbook - that you might not even know exists. Some things are sketched digitally, others with good old fashioned pencil and paper. Check it out, it's a nice collection. I hope to be able to get back to some of these ideas soon. Until next time...