Gift Cards Coming Soon!

I'm THRILLED to announce that gift cards for The Unselfie Project will soon be available in the web store! This is the first batch of letterpress cards and they are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks to my friends  at PRIMER who printed them on their 1872 Gordon Platen Press. 

I know that it's the middle of the summer, but the holidays seem to be creeping up on us more quickly every year. It's always a good idea to plan early. Besides, you know that there are always birthdays, engagements, weddings, new babies, new the gift of personalized, one of a kind commemorative portrait art is something that  is memorable and will totally win you some brownie points! More details to come, so stay tuned!



Unselfies for The Ivy Group, building portraits.

When I first launched TheUnselfieProject campaign on Kickstarter, I was not quite sure what to expect. Would enough people even be interested in the project for it to reach the funding goal and even happen? After the first 3 days of the campaign, it was apparent that with 20 something days left it WOULD definitely be happening.  There were a ton of people signing up and I would soon have my hands and schedule full of Unselfie goodness. Most backers ordered a one piece Unselfie but there were actually many backers and businesses who ordered package deals.

The first of the businesses to come up in TheUnselfieProject queue is The Ivy Group a full service marketing and advertising agency based out of Charlottesville, VA. Chris Fitzgerald, Creative Production Manager of The Ivy Group sent me photos of the whole office and this is the result! I love love the way that they turned out.

The Ivy Group

The Ivy Group

When I work on a multi-order job, it is important for me to keep the look cohesive. I have found that making an "assembly line" of sorts helps to keep things like line quality and color (or, in this case value)  synonymous. It's step by step, and it's kind of like "building" a portrait as opposed to drawing one. I created these 10 portraits doing every step at the same time. My first step is always to ink every face with the basic black outline. Then I usually go in and lay down the base skin color, then the dark shadows of the face and work back to the light highlights. After that I do the hair and clothing and finally go back into the final ink an add depth and weight to the outline where it's needed. Every artist works differently but this is what works for me.

Thankfully, my new mac and the latest Photoshop allow me to to have tons of files open at once, without crashing the system which makes a HUGE difference when working this way. I look forward to posting the next business (already being INKED!) soon. Until then, keep checking out TheUnselfieProject gallery as it grows!



The Washington Business Journal and Tommy Kane's Unselfie!

Woo! It's been a busy week and there's lots to announce! Here are a few of the cool things that I've been working on: I just had the opportunity to work with the great people at The Washington Business Journal to create a cover story illustration of Eagle Bank CEO, Ron Paul. It is for July 11th issue of The Washington Business Journal.

Illustration of Ron Paul, CEO of Eagle Bank.

Illustration of Ron Paul, CEO of Eagle Bank.

I am also honored to have been able to draw Creative Director, Illustrator and Author triple threat, Tommy Kane, for The Unselfie Project! I've been a fan of Tommy's art and blog for years. It's really awesome have been able to draw him as well as to see him using his Unselfie on social media, It makes me very proud! I love the "Draw Tommy Kane" section of his blog. Many artists have drawn him and there's lots of good stuff. Check it out when you get a chance!

Tommy Kane's Unselfie

Tommy Kane's Unselfie