I just did this portrait of Mandy Moore for the AARP Girlfriend Newsletter. Many thanks to Dian Holton for the Art Direction!
Portrait of Heidi Klum for AARP
Here is a portrait illustration that I did for a recent issue of the AARP "Girlfriend Newsletter".
Portraits for AARP
I've recently been working with AARP to illustrate portraits for the front page of "The Girlfriend Newsletter", a weekly supplemental e-newsletter. Here are two that have recently been published of Christy Turlington and Jennifer Hudson.
Portraits for Public CIO
Government Technology Magazine has a recurring supplemental issue called Public CIO. I have done portrait illustrations for it in the past and had the opportunity to create six portraits of industry leaders for it again this year which were then used on the cover and the interior spreads. (Clockwise from top), Rajiv Gupta, Robert Knapp, Tim Merrigan, Chris Atkins, Nick Psaki and Chris O'Malley. I really like how the dark background looks with the portraits that were originally drawn on a white background. Many thanks to Kelly at E.republic for the Creative Direction!
Metal Gods: A Tribute to Judas Priest
Last year I was approached by rock illustrator, Mark Rudolph, to contribute to "Metal Gods: a Tribute to Judas Priest" coming out next month by Decibel Books. I've been a fan of Mark's work for a while- he has done A LOT of cool stuff. Plus, I grew up listening to heavy music, Judas Priest included, due to being the youngest 3 loud music loving kids. The book is an collaboration choc a bloc full of illustrations from many talented artists and I can't wait to see it in person.
Here are my two contributions to the book. I got to draw the Metal God himself, Rob Halford. I was asked to do a portrait of him as well as one of the band during a the very spikey and leatheryperiod of their career. It was so much fun and I'm proud to be a part of it. You can pre order the book through Decibel Books here.
Rob Halford
Hell Bent for Leather