I was recently approached by the good folks at Think Brownstone to collaborate on a project for one of their clients. Think Brownstone is a company made up of an elite group of experience designers. Just what is an experience designer? Well, I think of them as kind of like super heroes who make things work better. Visit the Think site to read more about who they are and the wonderful things that they do.
Citadel is “Like a Bank, but better”. They are a not-for-profit organization that offers a full range of products and services but answers to their customers, not a group of outside stockholders. The Think Brownstone team worked with Citadel to create a website that showcases customer service tailored to meet each member’s personal needs.
Illustration for Products and Services page
They chose illustration to give their new site a different look than all of the other banking websites out there today which rely heavily on stock art. Citadel wanted to feature the iconic stone and red roof elements of its branch architecture as well as the logo colors throughout the site. I was honored to be asked to work on the illustrations. With the help and direction of the great creative teams at Citadel and Think Brownstone, I created over thirty illustrations for the new Citadel website. The end result looks fantastic! I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such good people on this great project.