WELL HELLO! I just got back from vacation and it’s going to be a busy few weeks in the studio so I apologize if this is quick. I’m excited to be working on some really great projects right now and will share a share as soon as I am able. I am thrilled to have been asked by a dream magazine client to do an assignment for their upcoming May issue. Another cool project that I am working on is for a start up as well as the endless cycle of promotion that is the life of the illustrator. But I am thankful and SUPER grateful to be able to do what I LOVE to do!
These little French Bulldog pups are named Remy and Louie. They were matching 2″x3″ miniature portraits done for a client.
Ho Hey – The Lumineers
Here is the final art for the Lumineers illustration. It has an overall nice mood. I think that the band’s music has a warm, flowery sound (okay, maybe that sounds weird but that’s what I think). In my original sketch, there were some flower elements floating around in the composition. On a whim, I looked up the “Hey Ho” track video on YouTube for some visual inspiration.
As I watched, I was excited to see that they actually HAD roses in the video. So my gut feeling, as weird as it might have seemed, was correct! ‘Nuff said, I quickly changed the floaty flowers to hanging roses and warmed up the tones a bit. I’m really happy with the way this turned out. The warm ‘n’ cozy color palette is something that I’ve been trying to achieve for a while. I hope you like it!
Around the studio…
This week I’m working on an illustration of folky rock up and comers, The Lumineers. I’ve been sketching and re-sketching, working out the line and color combinations. It’s been taking a little longer than usual because I decided to take a few days off of the studio last week and now I’m feeling behind! I’m hoping to have the illo finished this week in order to send out an emailer later this week or early next week week and a printed mailer the week after that. Promotion never ends!
Here’s a sketch and a loose color combo below. Oh, and also a reference photo of the band which I grabbed off of the internet. I love the hats. And I love the her smiley face. She was smiling in every photo! A refreshing thing to see these days.
Color study
I’m in the midst of working on some new promotional pieces. One of them is a portrait of the late famous Moonshiner, Popcorn Sutton. Here, you can see some screen shots of the sketch and a color study. Yup, there is a lot of tweaking and fine line stuff to do, but I generally save the details like that for the final art. The color study is just a guideline for me. I will post the final when it’s finished. Enjoy!
Color study
Line Art